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C++ Language FAQ


C++ Language FAQ

What is C++?
C++ is a programming language. It literally means "increased C", reflecting its nature as an evolution of the C language.
Is it necessary to already know another programming language before learning C++?
Not necessarily. C++ is a simple and clear language in its expressions. It is true that a piece of code written with C++ may be seen by a stranger of programming a bit more cryptic than some other languages due to the intensive use of special characters ({}[]*&!|...), but once one knows the meaning of such characters it can be even more schematic and clear than other languages that rely more on English words.
Also, the simplification of the input/output interface of C++ in comparison to C and the incorporation of the standard template library in the language, makes the communication and manipulation of data in a program written in C++ as simple as in other languages, without losing the power it offers.
How can I learn C++?
There are many ways. Depending on the time you have and your preferences. The language is taught in many types of academic forms throughout the world, and can also be learnt by oneself with the help of tutorials and books. The documentation section of this Website contains an online tutorial to help you achieve the objective of learning this language.
What is OOP: Object-oriented programming?
It is a programming model that treats programming from a perspective where each component is considered an object, with its own properties and methods, replacing or complementing structured programming paradigm, where the focus was on procedures and parameters.
Is C++ a proprietary language?
No. No one owns the C++ language. Anyone can use the language royalty-free.
What is ANSI-C++?
ANSI-C++ is the name by which the international ANSI/ISO standard for the C++ language is known. But before this standard was published, C++ was already widely used and therefore there is a lot of code out there written in pre-standard C++. Referring to ANSI-C++ explicitly differenciates it from pre-standard C++ code, which is incompatible in some ways.
How may I know if my compiler supports ANSI-C++?
The standard was published in 1998, followed by a revision in 2003. Some compilers older than the standard implement already some of its features, and many newer compilers don't implement all ANSI-C++ features. If you have doubts on whether your compiler will be able to compile ANSI-C++ code, you can try to compile a piece of code with some of the new features introduced mainly after the publication of the standard. For example, the following code fragment uses the bool type, and uses namespaces and templates.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
bool ansisupported (T x) { return true; }

int main() {
  if (ansisupported(0)) cout << "ANSI OK";
  return 0;

If your compiler is able to compile this program, you will be able to compile most of the existing ANSI-C++ code.
How can I make windowed programs?
You need a C++ compiler and linker that can generate code for your windowing environment (Windows, XWindow, MacOS, ...). Windowed programs do not generally use the console to communicate with the user. They use a set of functions or classes to manipulate windows instead, which are specific to each environment. Anyway, the same principles apply both for console and windowed programs, except for communicating with the user.
What is Visual C++? And what does "visual programming" mean?
Visual C++ is the name of a C++ compiler with an integrated environment from Microsoft. It includes special tools that simplify the development of large applications as well as specific libraries that improve productivity. The use of these tools is generally known as visual programming. Other manufacturers also develop these types of tools and libraries, like Borland C++, Visual Age, etc...




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    Bjarne Stroustrup博士,1950年出生于丹麦,先后毕业于丹麦阿鲁斯大学和英国剑挢大学,AT&T大规模程序设计研究部门负责人,AT&T 贝尔实验室和ACM成员。... S推出其经典著作The C++ Programming Language的第三版。

    C++ 有用的资源

    C++ Programming Language Tutorials − C++ 编程语言教程。 C++ Programming − 这本书涵盖了 C++ 语言编程、软件交互设计、C++ 语言的现实生活应用。 C++ FAQ − C++ 常见问题 Free Country − Free Country 提供...


     “本书是Summit以及C FAQ在线列表的许多参与者多年心血的结晶,是C语言界最为珍贵的财富之一。我向所有C语言程序员推荐本书。”  ——Francis Glassborow,著名C/C++专家,ACCU(C/C++用户协会)前主席  “本书...


    “本书是Summit以及C FAQ在线列表的许多参与者多年心血的结晶,是C语言界最为珍贵的财富之一。我向所有C语言程序员推荐本书。” ——Francis Glassborow,著名C/C++专家,ACCU(C/C++用户协会)前主席 “本书清晰...


    ——Francis Glassborow,著名C/C++专家,ACCU(C/C++用户协会)前主席 “本书清晰阐明了Kernighan与Ritchie《The C programming Language》一书中许多简略的地方,而且精彩地总结了C语言编程实践,强烈推荐!” ...


    ——Francis Glassborow,著名C/C++专家,ACCU(C/C++用户协会)前主席 “本书清晰阐明了Kernighan与Ritchie《The C programming Language》一书中许多简略的地方,而且精彩地总结了C语言编程实践,强烈推荐!” ...


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